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Design Studio makes it easy to upload your own logo, image, or artwork and add it to your design. Simply click "Upload Art" and select the file you'd like to use.
Prefered file types
Our Design Studio accepts the following file formats for uploads:
- .png
- .jpg
- .jpeg
- .ai
- .eps
- .psd
- .tiff
Trademark and Content Standards
Due to copyright laws, we're limited from printing designs that include logos, images, or text which are protected by trademark or copyright, unless you receive permission from the owner or trademark holder. Learn more about protected images & content here.
We also maintain a set of content standards that provide guidance on the types of designs we are able and not able to print. TeeStock reserves the ultimate right to determine whether to approve a design, but our content standards offer a useful framework. Learn more about our content standards here.
If you have any questions about whether we can print a design, feel free to call (1-800-620-1233) or email ([email protected]) to chat with our experts.